Many of you might have seen that the South African iTunes don't have any games for the iPhone, not even free ones.. :-( Well you can create a free US account to download them!
Here's how:
1. In iTunes, sign out of any other accounts you have. (By clicking on your account name in the top right corner, and then selecting "Sign Out".
2. Go to the botton of the page, and choose “United States” for the country.
3. Go to any free item to download. (A free game in the appstore will work well). Click "Get App".
4. When prompted to log in, choose “Create New Account”
5. Hit “Continue”
6. Agree & “Continue”
7. Fill in some details and click “Continue”. Note you'll need a real valid email address.
8. Select “None” for payment option, make your state “FL – Florida”, City “Tallahassee”, ZIP Code “32301”. (Put in any other street and telephone number)
9. You will receive a activation email, click on the link and your account will be activated!
Note, you will only be able to download free content. I you want to buy content you will need to buy a iTunes gift certificate. I think you can find some on eBay, or if you live in the Johannesburg area, I saw that WW Computers in Cresta shopping centre sell some.
Happy downloading!